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PrepNow Tutor - Nancy S.

Photo of Nancy S.
Nancy's Bio

*NOTE: Not available for SSAT programs.

During her first two years of college, Nancy investigated many majors. When someone suggested education, she decided to spend a day shadowing an experienced teacher--her aunt. "I found the right fit!" she says.

Nancy earned her bachelor's in education from the University of Michigan. After graduation, she taught a fourth/fifth split class at a private Baptist school in Detroit, and then moved to another small private school to teach middle-school math and social science.

After getting married and starting her family, Nancy decided to teach her five boys at home. During that time, she has also tutored all grade levels, selecting and implementing the necessary curriculum along the way. She has taught co-op classes in writing and college admissions for groups of other home-educated students. She earned a Certificate in College Admission Counseling from UCLA Extension and counsels families with the college admissions process.

"I love tutoring because you can tailor the lesson to the student's needs," Nancy says. "Skip the stuff they know well, spend extra time on their tough subjects, and go into more depth with their interests."

Nancy describes her teaching style as traditional. "I believe that students learn best in an environment of order and structure," she says. "There are times for a bit of chaos and mess in lessons, but it isn't all the time."

In high school, Nancy was president of the Computer Club, and active in German Club, musical theater. She was in her school's marching band flag unit and the City Youth Orchestra. In college, she was active with University Christian Outreach, and naturally attended all home football games in Michigan's famous stadium, "the Big House"! After graduation, she spent nine weeks traveling in Europe.

Teaching her own children has been a wonderful experience, Nancy says. "I love teaching them because of the relationships we've developed together through the extra activities and field trips (AKA vacations!), we've been able to share," she says. "I'm also not a morning person, so starting school at 10 a.m. is great!" As her youngest son is a senior, she has recently begun substitute teaching in local schools with an idea of finding a full-time position in the next few years.

In addition to tutoring and homeschooling, Nancy sold Tupperware for ten years and received multiple top sales awards during her two years as a manager.

Nancy describes herself as "family-oriented and faith-centered, fun-loving and creative." She quilts and sews clothes and costumes for her sons' plays. She plays oboe in the homeschool band and plays guitar and sings at prayer meetings. She also loves reading science fiction and fantasy books. "I have loved Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who and Lord of the Rings since middle school," she says. She has attended several Comic Cons and collects autographs of actors from those shows.

Fun fact: At 5'8", Nancy is the shortest in her family!

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