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PrepNow Tutor - Alston T.

Photo of Alston T.
Alston's Bio

Alston is a poet at heart whose intellectual curiosity enables her to help students in many disciplines. She holds a BA in English (with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in Russian) from the University of Mississippi. There, she was a nominee for the Taylor Medal, the University of Mississippi's highest academic honor; she was also awarded the Elmo Howell British Literature Award, a scholarship for English majors. Additionally, she holds an MFA in creative writing, with a concentration in poetry, from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.
While Alston pursued her master’s degree, she designed and taught a number of courses, including Introduction to Creative Writing, Evolution of Creative Writing, and Poetry Writing I. She also showed her academic versatility, working as a tutor of student athletes in the areas of literature, computer science, Russian, and history. Since earning her MFA, Alston has worked as a freelance editor and copywriter, and she continues to write her own poetry. She is published in several journals and volumes.
As a tutor, Alston wants first and foremost to foster an impactful environment for each student. She calls her style a mix of passion and curiosity, and she invites students to follow her lead. She asks anyone who wants to know about her goals, “Did you ever take a class in a subject you weren't particularly interested in, but the instructor's enthusiasm made you excited to learn? That's the feeling I aim to foster in my students.” Like many creative souls and poets, Alston believes that true engagement and joy can lead to great things, so she models the enthusiasm for learning that she aims to foster in her students.
As one might expect, Alston is an avid reader of most things, and she is always thinking about and crafting her own poetry. She has also always had varied interests, though: in high school, she sang in three choirs, participated in theater, and played tennis. She was also Vice President of the Dungeons and Dragons club, and she still loves to play tabletop role-playing games with friends across the country.

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