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PrepNow Tutor - Cameron A.

Photo of Cameron A.
Cameron's Bio

Cameron has taught Algebra 1 and 2 (including intervention and advanced sections), calculus, and other topics in math for over two years; additionally, he has extensive experience helping students prepare for standardized tests (SAT, ACT, APs). He is a PhD student studying applied mathematics at the University of Maryland.

Cameron earned an MAT in secondary mathematics education from the University of Louisville. He earned a BA in math and philosophy from Kenyon College, where he tutored hundreds of calculus students and graduated as valedictorian. After graduating with his master’s, he taught math via AmeriCorps for two years. He spent another two years as a volunteer ACT prep coach for economically disadvantaged high schoolers in Ohio. He has tutored for as long as he has been a student, himself! “My outlook is optimistic—I believe every student has incredible potential, and it is my task to help students make good on this potential.”

Cameron’s approach is centered on each student—their goals and their academic empowerment. “All curriculum needs to be differentiated to meet the current abilities of students, as well to match the goals of students and parents alike,” he explains. He designs lessons to harness a student’s strengths to address any weaknesses. Once he has assessed a student’s process and prior knowledge, he gradually guides students out of their comfort zone until “they can work with full autonomy.”

Cameron’s math and teaching skills earned him the Outstanding MAT Student in Secondary Education award from the University of Louisville. The University of Maryland awarded him the Brin Family Fellowship to support his graduate studies.

In his downtime, he loves being active outdoors via running, hiking, climbing, and doing yoga. He is an avid home chef who loves making crossword puzzles. “I think I’m pretty good at it too!”

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