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PrepNow Tutor - Shena H.

Photo of Shena H.
Shena's Bio

An Honor Roll student and National Honor Society member in high school, Shena was awarded an academic scholarship at Kalamazoo College, where she earned her bachelor's in French with minors in math and theater.

After graduating, Shena worked for a nonprofit education organization teaching math across Detroit. She was awarded a merit scholarship from the University of Michigan to earn her master's with certification in elementary education. She student-taught in a second- and third-grade classroom and substitute-taught in elementary schools across southeast Michigan. She then moved to Denver to work as a sixth-grade math teacher. She has since worked as a middle-school special education teacher and caseworker, French teacher, math/science teacher and most recently, as an AP calculus and general calculus teacher for seniors at a charter school network. "Each teaching opportunity has brought amazing learning opportunities and growth," she says.

"I have always enjoyed working with children and been fascinated by the way that they approach different problems," Shena says. "It is quite remarkable to me the innovation and creativity that students are able to bring to their learning. What I have learned from students has turned me into a better thinker as well." She particularly enjoys working with high-school students, and says, "They are starting to really understand themselves and are starting to have a vision for what they want for their lives."

When Shena taught with the nonprofit, she learned to focus on question-asking strategies to teach high-level math to elementary- and middle-school students. As a Special Education classroom teacher for seven years, she was able to see the math and language arts curriculum from elementary through high school, as well as what is put in place for students who need intervention in those areas. She says, "I now have a very thorough view of what is expected of students at each level and why."

As for style, Shena laughs, "I have been told by my students (especially the older ones) that I am a very funny and 'goofy' teacher." But with all seriousness, she says: "I enjoy getting to know students, understanding their goals, and connecting with them on a personal level. At the same time, I have also been told that my class is challenging and that I hold students to high expectations. I am big believer in students using as much of their own experiences and background knowledge as possible to spur on further learning. I like to act as a guide in this way. I think it's important for students to have confidence in what they are doing and to understand and value their strengths."

As a high-school freshman, Shena was on the cheerleading squad. These days, she does a lot of performing, mainly singing and acting. Since college, she has acted in more than a dozen shows both as a volunteer and professionally. In 2013, she was a Henry Award winner for Best Ensemble in a Musical. An evening out for fun usually includes karaoke, or watching a play or musical. In fact, she recently sang at a restaurant "for a few bucks and an enjoyable free meal"--and when one of the tables didn't know what song they wanted to hear, Shena made one up on the spot!

She also loves a quiet evening at home with her husband, watching funny shows and laughing together. She has recently started studying Spanish and has been reviewing calculus (BC) to keep up her skills. "My husband seems surprised every time he catches me studying," she says, "but I really do thoroughly enjoy it!"

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